The London Magazine Subscription

Honoured to be the UK’s oldest literary periodical, The London Magazine is a timeless classic that highlights the talents of the world’s most established authors. With a history stretching back to 1732, this prized magazine has featured a wide range of canonical writers. In the 18th century, Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Hazlitt, and John Keats graced the pages of a title that championed wisdom and wordsmanship. As the magazine gained momentum throughout history, household names continued the legacy, with authors such as T.S. Elliot, W.H. Auden, and Evelyn Waugh offering their own unique personalities to the proceedings during the early 20th century.

Today, The London Magazine continues to engage its audience by providing a home for the best writing and creates a comprehensive guide to the British literary landscape. Released six times a year, this highly regarded and well-respected magazine includes intelligent criticism, provocative essays, fascinating history and memoir and the best in new poetry and fiction.

Whether you are a history buff looking to learn more or are keen to educate yourself with the works of writing greats, both past and present, The London Magazine subscription is sure to culture and charm you.

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