Hair accessory ideas from Elle magazine

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Fashion & beauty blogger Cherry from Cherry Pie shares tips she found in Elle magazine for livening up a dull hair do.


Not much goes on with my hair, to be honest. I'll wash it in the morning, then dry it and just leave it like that. A combination of laziness and very thin hair puts me off really doing anything with it styling wise. Most styles won't hold for an hour, let alone a full day, so I often get very annoyed with it just hanging there limp and lifeless.

One way to combat unexciting hair days is to add a little accessory. Finding inspiration from Elle magazine I recently gave accessorising my locks a go and I was pleasantly surprised with the results and how easy it was.

A pretty clip or slide can do wonders and headbands can really re-invent your look. The possibilities are endless. If, like me, you have regular down days when it comes to you hair, you can simply whip in something pretty to brighten up your day and your outfit!


With it fast becoming festival season I opted for a floral head band to update my style. I thought it would be annoying, I thought it would keep slipping out and I thought it would make me look like a six-year-old flower girl… but I was actually really happy with how it turned out. It gave just that little extra something to my outfit and, as the flowers were only small, they looked delicate and pretty instead of over the top and silly.

So next time you're looking in the mirror just willing your hair to 'do' something with its life, try popping in a pretty accessory! It will leave you looking as if you've really made an effort... when really you had an extra half an hour in bed and popped in an accessory as you rushed out the door!

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